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دانلود مقاله isi ارتباط متقابل بین سیستم کنترل مدیریت و تاثیرات بحران خارجی

دانلود رایگان مقاله الزویر در مورد ارتباط متقابل بین سیستم کنترل مدیریت و تاثیرات بحران خارجی (کلیک کنید)



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مشخصات این مقاله :

عنوان مقاله :

An exploratory study of the reciprocal relationship between interactive use of  management control systems and perception of negative external crisis effects

ترجمه فارسی عنوان :

مطالعه ای اکتشافی درباره ارتباط متقابل بین سیستم های کنترل مدیریت و درک اثرات منفی بحران خارجی

سال انتشار : 2014

متعلق به مجله یا ژورنال : تحقیقات مدیریت حسابداری – Management Accounting Research

فرمت: PDF

تعداد صفحات: 20

شماره پروژه: 2045

کلمات کلیدی :

Economic crisis, Interactive use of management control, systems, Cross-lagged effect model

بحران اقتصادی، استفاده متقابل از کنترل مدیریت، سیستم ها، مدل اثر تأخیر کراس

چکیده  :


The use of management control systems (MCS) is shaped by perceptions of the environment.Next to this traditional view, some studies suggest that MCS use simultaneously shapesenvironmental perceptions. In other words, there is a reciprocal relationship between MCSuse and environmental perceptions. We investigate this relationship in the 2008–2010economic crisis. This study examines whether the perception of negative external crisiseffects affects the interactive use of MCS on the organizational level. It also explores whetheran interactive use of MCS during an economic crisis influences the perception of negativeexternal crisis effects. The direction of causality is difficult to assess from cross-sectionaldata. Thus, we apply a cross-lagged panel design using data from two (time-lagged) surveys.The results show that perception of negative external crisis effects leads to more interactiveuse of MCS. Moreover, our findings support a positive effect of the interactive use of MCSon senior managers’ perception of negative external crisis effects. Furthermore, we providepractitioner statements that illustrate the interactive use of MCS in times of economiccrisis.

مقدمه این مقاله :


A crisis is usually associated with a substantial threatto an organization (Weick, 1988), a lack of resources torespond to it (Khandwalla, 1978), little time for response(Hermann, 1963), a high degree of uncertainty (Pearson andClair, 1998) and an ill-structured situation (Turner, 1976).Organizations encounter such challenges during crises likethe worldwide economic downturn of 2008–2010 (Magnanand Markarian, 2011; Mangena et al., 2012; Van der Stede,2011). The 2008–2010 economic crisis led to unexpecteddrops in demand within a few months, posing a threatto many organizations (Federal Statistical Office, 2011;Guillen, 2009; James et al., 2011; The Economist, February 19, 2009). Moreover, the extremely volatile business condi-tions also created an ill-structured and uncertain situation(Guillen, 2009; Muurlink et al., 2012; Parnell et al., 2012;Van der Stede, 2011; Zona, 2012). The crisis envelopedeconomies on a global scale and was not confined to asingle industry or organization in contrast to, for instance,failed strategies, succession issues, shifts in technology orcatastrophes (Grewal and Tansuhaj, 2001).In the literature, external crises are typically definedby originating outside an organization – such as economicdownturns, cash flow problems or political turmoil (Jameset al., 2011; Mitroff et al., 1988). The 2008–2010 eco-nomic crisis allows analysis of simultaneous responses toan external crisis for a large number of organizations.

 توجه :

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توضیحات بیشتر در مورد پروژه :

قسمتی از این مطالعه به بررسی این موضوع می پردازد که آیا درک اثرات بحران خارجی منفی بر استفاده متقابل از MCS در سطح سازمانی تاثیر میگذارد یا خیر؟ همچنین بررسی می‌کند که آیا استفاده تعاملی از MCS در طی یک بحران اقتصادی بر درک تاثیرات منفی بحران خارجی تاثیر می گذارد یا خیر؟

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